Friday 16 March 2012


Ok, I confess. 
I haven't been clothes shopping since November 2011 and haven't bought shoes since December. I'm steadily looking more dishevelled and as if I'm growing as I slowly shrink everything I own in the one-setting-fits-all university laundrette.

However, with a holiday in a week and a day to Spain on the horizon I decided it was time to invest in something that wouldn't make me look like an anaemic WW2 evacuee.
In my mother's words, this was A Mission. With the seriousness of the situation in mind, The Boyfriend and I hit the cobbles of the city centre and found these...

Dress, shorts, vest and sunglasses from H&M. Shoes from Topshop.

Now, it wouldn't be fair for me to be prepared to hide in the shade head to toe in factor 50 without helping everyone else prepare for the holiday too. 

So I bought Wally, my bear, some swim shorts from the Bear Factory.
Ok, ok so he doesn't look so happy about it now, but just use your imagination...


All this picture really needs now is a pina colada and some hot, hot fluffy eyecandy.

All this holiday talk has 'Peaches' by the Stranglers in my head. Bring on the sunshine!!

Little Red.


  1. Ooh, I love the H+M dress and shorts! Might have a fossick there myself... :) ♥

    Sarah ^.^

  2. They've got a lot of really good summer basics in there atm, relatively cheap too!

    Little Red x
