Wednesday 30 November 2011

2: Reason 1.0 Why My Flatmates Are More Fabulous Than Me

From roast dinner to cupcakes to stew to cupcakes to macaroni cheese to cupcakes (they really love their cupcakes) there is scarcely a day that goes by without that the two ladies I live with don’t set themselves to producing culinary delights, grating off bits of their fingers to give that extra pizazz to pasta or violating various chickens with citrus fruit. Many a time we have sat round with some friends and enjoyed a proper meal with wine and matching cutlery, healthily betraying our student status.

 However, I, on the other hand, haven’t cooked a single cake since last July (lemon drizzle cake, I know you were wondering) and don’t cook anything that takes less than half an hour to prepare and cook. It’s not that I don’t like food: I love fresh Mediterranean cooking, especially cheeses, breads and salad. And it’s not that I can’t cook. (Well, I can chop vegetables and add sauces out of jars. So maybe not.) It’s really that I’m just too impatient and often don’t know where to start.                                                                                         

    I'm not happy about this situation. I feel inadequate. The WI will never recruit me at this rate. It’s time to bite the bullet and find some recipes. Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Cooking is overrated.. i sit with a girl at work that is constantly telling us about the amazing meal she made for her boyfriend last night, sometimes she even brings us samples

    Why do it yourself when other people want to do it? ;) x
